13: The Life & Career of Ted Christopher streaming complet gratuit -------------------------------------------------------------- Films, Documentary, Tommy Heslin, Michael Christopher, Sr., Shawn Waddell, Judy Christopher Mannix, Lucy Christopher, 13: The Life & Career of Ted Christopher streaming ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Moana (2016)
RELEASE DATE: 2021-06-05
PRODUCTION COMPANIES: , Stafford Speedway Originals,
GENRE: Documentary /
CAST: Tommy Heslin - Michael Christopher, Sr. - Shawn Waddell - Judy Christopher Mannix - Lucy Christopher - Chuck Zettergren - Mike Mastrianni - Mike Widger - Dave Martino - Mark Longo - Ted Christopher - Ben Dodge - Jen Christopher - Matt Buckler - Dan Avery - Michael O'Sullivan - Doug Coby - Shawn Courchesne - Woody Pitkat - Tom Fox - Lisa Arute - George Bessette, Jr. - Michael Christopher, Jr. - Nicole Christopher - Quinn Christopher - Tom "Sid" DiMaggio - Jim Galante - Joe Hamm - Shawn Monahan - Bryan Narducci - Keith Rocco -

Ted Christopher was, and still is, known as one of the greatest Modified drivers of all-time. His incredible skills behind the wheel, his polarizing driving style, and his personality both on and off the track made Ted one of the most unique characters at the track. A person we lost way too soon. Get to learn more about the man New England Modified fans call "The King" in this full-length documentary!.