A State of Blackness: Aimé Césaire’s Way streaming complet gratuit -------------------------------------------------------------- Films, Documentary, Aimé Césaire, Paul Chamberland, Lobo Dyabavadra, Joby Bernabé, Cécile Celma, A State of Blackness: Aimé Césaire’s Way streaming ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Moana (2016)
RELEASE DATE: 1991-01-01
GENRE: Documentary /
CAST: Aimé Césaire - Paul Chamberland - Lobo Dyabavadra - Joby Bernabé - Cécile Celma - Jean-Paul Daoust - Andrée Ferretti - Gérald Godin - Michaëlle Jean - Dany Laferrière - Serge Legagneur - Alfred Marie-Jeanne - Yves Préfontaine - Yves-Marie Séraline - Evrard Suffrin - Pierre Vallières - Denise Wiltord -

Documentary exploring the thought and work of Aimé Césaire..