The Trolls streaming complet gratuit -------------------------------------------------------------- Films, Comedy, Rob Gagnon, Lisa Friedrich, Katie Pengra, Pat Dean, Nathan Ehrmann, The Trolls streaming ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Moana (2016)
RELEASE DATE: 2016-10-11
PRODUCTION COMPANIES: , Greenless Studios,
GENRE: Comedy /
CAST: Rob Gagnon - Lisa Friedrich - Katie Pengra - Pat Dean - Nathan Ehrmann - Sam Eidson - John Gholson - R.C. Keene - Keith Lee - Phillip Lybrand - Carlos O'Leary -

A Texas tech start-up breaks every crowdfunding record in the books, but they lose it all when a patent troll shuts them down. Refusing to go down without a fight, our heroes use a legal loophole to beat the trolls at their own game. By obtaining a patent for BEING a patent troll, they're able to... troll the trolls..