Swinger streaming complet gratuit -------------------------------------------------------------- Films, Romance, Comedy, Martin Buch, Mille Dinesen, Rasmus Botoft, Therese Damsgaard, Dan Zahle, Swinger streaming ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Moana (2016)
RELEASE DATE: 2016-09-22
GENRE: Romance / Comedy /
CAST: Martin Buch - Mille Dinesen - Rasmus Botoft - Therese Damsgaard - Dan Zahle - George Katt - Natalie Madueño - Birthe Neumann - Morten Hebsgaard - Karl-Erik Falkentorp - Pil Egholm - Emil Birk Hartmann - Lærke Winther - Lisbeth Wulff - Gustav Hintze - Caroline Clarissa Østed Erritzøe - Troels Malling Thaarup - Liam Campora - Emily Kaplan -

Munch-Fals’ script follows Adam, who has so far been spoiled by life – a good job, a lovely wife, an expensive villa, an independent son – but still it isn’t good enough. Even the swinger weekend trips he has been taking with his wife have become a joyless routine, and his youthful optimism and appetite for life are distant memories. Then, one day, at another swingers’ club, he does what swingers don’t do – he falls in love..